Monday, August 6, 2012

Grape arbors, box borders and explanations

Well, I'm back!  This is a first entry under a new domain name:   I have some explaining to do and I need to apologize for a comedy of errors, which was sort of a tragedy for me (not in the sense of a terrible tragedy that changes people's lives; maybe "big disappointment" is more appropriate).

At any rate, on July 9, 2012, I went to post my blog entry, but all that came up was an ad for to purchase a domain name.  Long story short.  My daughter kindly set this blog up for me in late May 2011.  It was done under an email address ( that I never use.  The "renew automatically" box wasn't checked.  In May, I received my American Express bill with a charge to  I assumed that was my renewal.  It wasn't.  It was my daughter's book blog.

In the meantime, I had received a notification on my gmail account that I needed to renew my domain name.  I didn't see it.  So, someone else bought the name and put up their Web site.  I called, and they said there was nothing I could do.

I was sick at heart.  I thought I had lost all the entries I had made for the entire year.  But, thank you Google, for saving the archives.  They are all there.

So, I begin anew.  When I first started, you had to go through several Google pages to find me.  By last spring, I came up first automatically.  I want to thank all of the almost 100,000 page viewers who visited the blog at the old address.  I hope I can find you again!  Right now, I'm back where I started - way down the line.

Wait.  I said this would be a long story short.  Sorry.

Anyway, the above photo was taken in Marie Antoinette's "farm village" at Versailles.  I'm a sucker for grape arbors, and one day soon, I'm going to have one.  This one forms a long tunnel.  You can walk under it for a good ways.  What you see here is the middle where you can cross under it the other way.  On the opposite side is a cascade of red roses.  I was tempted to use that view, but this shows the vegetable gardens in the distance, planted inside boxwood borders.

So, if you happen upon this post, please help me get re-established.  I've checked the "renew automatically" box and have my real email listed for notifications.  If you to to Google and type in " marthatate", the first listing that comes up is my old Web site (that means he/she is more popular than I), but the rest are my old blogs, but with the new Web address.

Thank you all for your inquiries.  It was so frustrating not to be able to explain what had happened.  I just vanished without a word.  I hope you'll come back.  I promise not to let this happen again.


  1. Sooo glad you are back up. I really enjoy looking in each day to see your pictures and read the stories.
    Tricia Cole

  2. I am sooo happy to be back, too. It was awful not being able to explain how I just dropped off the face of the earth. Thank you, Tricia. I greatly appreciate your thoughtful comment.
